I Choose Acceptance Book + Lesson Plan Bundle
I Choose Acceptance Book + Lesson Plan Bundle
Pair the book with social, emotional learning activities to continue the learning.
In this rhyming story, we learn about accepting all people, despite any differences.
"I Choose Acceptance" is a story with social emotional learning (SEL) in mind. It has been praised by teachers and therapists worldwide.
In this rhyming story, we learn about acceptance. Through colorful illustrations and rhythmic rhymes, your child will see what it means to accept all people no matter the differences.
Book Dimensions: 8.5"x8.5". Paperback book will be shipped to you. Lesson plans are a 14+ page digital download.
Teacher and Therapist Toolbox: I Choose is an empowering series curated to empower young children to become aware of big emotions. A new book series developed in tandem with teachers and therapists to help children cope with a range of emotions and teach them that they indeed hold the power to choose their actions and reactions.
Imagine a peaceful world
Where acceptance abounds
A beautiful world
Where laughter’s the only sound.
"I Choose Acceptance"" was developed alongside counselors and parents to be used as a resource in a social emotional curriculum.
5-12 business days
Social - emotional
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